Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

Saturday, 11/7: 25% Off EVERYTHING at The Great Escape Bowling Green*

Also: Plenty of hot deals at our Sidewalk Sale at The Great Escape Bowling Green:
$3 DVDs, $2 CDs, $1 Posters, 50¢ Comics, 50¢ Vinyl, 50¢ VHS, and more!

Sidewalk Sale: 9am - 4pm (open 1 hour early this Saturday!)
"25% Off Everything In The Store" Sale: 9am - 9pm

The Great Escape Bowling Green
(Buying - Selling - Trading: DVDs, CDs, Comics, Video Games, Vinyl, Toys, CCG, and more!)
2945 Scottsville Road / Bowling Green, KY 42104
(At the K-mart & Kroger shopping center)